Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 283: "What Got Me To This Place?"

At the beginning of this journey my friend asked me, "So what got you to this place?"  That was a very direct question that I honestly was not ready to answer at the time.  It has been on my mind at lot lately though.  Answering that question requires me to take a very intense look at why I do what I do.  Am I addicted to food?  I've heard a lot of overweight/obese people say that they are, but I don't think that I am.  I do think that I have an unhealthy relationship with food though. 

stress, joy, tiredness, confusion, celebration, etc.

The list goes on and on of reasons why food has become the main attraction or the tool I use to cope with  the various events in my life.  Unlike drugs or other indulgences, food is something that I've gotta have.... crap, I gotta eat right! 

So how does the relationship change?  How do I go from an unhealthy relationship with food to one that is healthy and balanced?  I think the first step is deciding.  Make a choice to change.  Then, commit my ways/desires to the Lord.  Then (and this is the hard part), I've gotta share my decision with other people.  In sharing with others it creates accountability; of which we all know that I don't like, but totally necessary.  You know what else is necessary?  Education.  If I don't know what healthy is, how can I engage in it? 

Even if my food selections change, I've still got to change the "why" behind why I resort to food.  I have to think about that some more.  Anybody have any suggestions?

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