Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 362: Year in Review

First 5k on Thanksgiving Morning
Can you believe it, I have been on this journey for just about one year (well 3 days away from it actually).  Part of me wants to do a year in review video, but I don't have enough video footage for anything like that.  But what I do have is a years worth of blogging and pictures from races.

Second 5k - National Walk It
I started out by blogging everyday, then it went to once a week, then to once a month and then whenever I thought about it or had something amazing to say.  This journey began with working out twice a day (called 2-a-Days), once in the morning at PG Track with Tiffany & Kayla in what I called "Track Date".  It's my special time with the track to sweat and push myself further than I ever thought that I could go.  The amazing thing about "Track Date" is as you go with regularity, you begin developing relationships with other people there.  Some mornings when we'd do sprints or run longer, you'd have people give you thumbs up sign as that unspoken encouragement you needed to make it.

The Goal
I'm sorta proud of myself because for the most part, the goal has remained consistent....train to run a marathon in 2011 while doing smaller races in the process.  To date, I have done 3 5k's and 1 10k.  I've signed up for the Under Armour Half Marathon in Baltimore, MD on October 15th and the full Marathon in Disney World on January 9, 2012.  Yeah, the Marathon is a few days past the goal date, but I still think it's ok.  I'm also signed up for a Summer Running Series beginning in July where I will be doing 5k races each Thursday.  I'm doing it as a way to increase my time, but to also surround myself with other runners.

First Bike Ride to Work
 Weight Loss
When the journey first started, the weight was falling off and it was pretty exciting.  As the weight loss slowed down, the momentum to continue loosing sort of decreased as well.  I think the kicker has been that weight loss was not the main focus - totally a benefit - but not the focus.  I wanted to have the ability to do something that I've never done while overcoming fears and road blocks that I've instituted and embraced for myself over the course of my life.
First 10k Completed - Zooma Annapolis

Has this journey been overwhelming, YES.  His this journey been hard, YES.  Has this journey been rough on my body, YES.  Have I wanted to quit and throw in the towel, HECK YES!!!!  But would I trade it in for anything in the world......HEAVENS NO!

I'm embracing this journey for the long hall and whether or not I receive another encouraging word, I will continue on this journey as I'm proving to myself that I am worth it and can accomplish any goal that I set.  Stay tuned!


  1. Connect me, I want to join you on your journey

  2. Sorry that message was from Crystal
