Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 201: Week 29 & A New Year

It's been almost a month since my last post and honestly not a lot has happened in this voyage, but I'm excited because......"THIS IS THE YEAR"!

THIS Year, I'm running a 10k
THIS Year, I'm running a Half Marathon (13.1 miles)
THIS Year, I'm running a Full Marathon (26.2 miles)
THIS Year, I'm running a 5k race in less than 30 minutes for the SOME Turkey Trot

I'm actually pretty excited about it honestly.  A couple of weeks ago, I spent maybe a week thinking and writing out the goals that I have for this year because without a plan, no goal will materialize in my opinion.  Although January is a great time to examine current behaviors and figure out ways of changing it, change does not have to be limited to January 1st or 2nd, it can be anytime.  So...this year is all about discipline.

Discipline is defined as the state of improved behavior resulting from training or conditioning.  There are behaviors and thoughts I want to change in my life and that will only happen with consistency (even when I don't feel like being consistent), accountability (this blog is a major helper) and just doing what I say I'm going to do.  The routine is pretty straight forward actually; boot camp & Track Date every morning and then the gym in the evening every other day.

This is the year to do something that I've never done.  I can't quit even if/when I want to because I'm not a quitter and I can't compare myself to someone else because no one else is me and have walked in my shoes.  What about you, are you going to do something this year that you've never done?

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