Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 228: Enjoy Yourself

Within a few hours, January will be over and February will begin.  January has been a month of LONG days & night.  A month of great celebrations and tragic defeats.  January brough a new age (33), road trips up and tomorrow I will be on the Martha Stewart Show (excited beyond words).  I decided to stop getting perms and just see where that road leads for a little while.  School started again and work has been non-stop.  Exercise has been extremely limited because I've been trying to balance "life".  Some days I do well and then other days I don't. 

I'm excited about February because I've gotten into a rythum at work, school is school, emotionally I'm starting to deal with things that I've kept buried within the recesses of my heart and exercising will commence once again.  Please let's not get it twisted though - this is HARD & TOUGH!!

I've started reading this book called, "The Runner's Rule Book" by Mark Remy and you know what Rule #1 is?  Have fun.  That's not limited to just running, that can be applied to every area of our life.  Anything that we are engaged in, have fun.  If you have to do it, you might as well enjoy the process, right?

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