Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 314: Slacker?

So I've been doing some thinking - well it really started yesterday while watching "The Biggest Looser" (totally love that show) - and I've come to the conclusion that I do way better when someone is either working out with me or pushing me to workout.  While I was watching TBL, I wanted to get a few push-ups done while the commercial was on (working on my core and upper body strength) and I did 2...... 2

It was like I couldn't push myself to get more done, but if someone else was there I would have probably followed thru on at least 3 (well maybe).  Why is it that some people have the internal drive/motivation to accomplish a task without needing the aid or assistance of others?  Does it make you needy if you need others to accomplish a task/goal?  I'm just letting you in on what's going on in my thoughts right now.

I think the reason I do better when someone is around is because I don't want to look like a goober or slacker in front of other people.  So I put game face on and get the job done.  But when no one is around it's like I don't push as hard and feel like it's ok to take a break.  Does that make me a people pleaser, or a... hum, I don't know the word for it.  Ok, I gotta think about this somemore, what do you think?


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