Thursday, October 11, 2012

MTT in full Effect!!

Last night was long and this morning came really early.  As a result, I'd like to officially label today as, "MTT" or MidTerm Thursday.  This is what I had today on my plate today:

Health/Fitness - MidTerm
Beginning Sign Language - MidTerm
Spirit Empowered Living - MidTerm & Paper (response to the chosen optional reading book)
Hebrew - MidTerm and Presentation
English - Paper (analysis to Eugene Peterson's Pastors & Novels)

How did I do, your wondering?  I think that I did well on everything.  Wait, I take that back, I didn't do well on my Hebrew exam.  I have to really practice and study the vocabulary.  I can read the words, I just have no idea what they mean (that's kinda important in understanding any language, right?).  My papers were good and my teacher said that I did really well on my presentation.  There is always areas that we can improve, but I am really proud of my work.

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