Friday, December 21, 2012

Grades Are IN

My grades from the semester have been officially posted.  The best part of this semester has been overcoming lies that I've embraced like "Your really not smart enough" or "You can't write papers, so why try" or better yet "Your too old for on-campus learning".  The hardest part of this semester has really been social engagement.  I missed home a lot.  I missed seeing people that I know and care about (and who care about me).  I missed my routine.  I missed being comfortable and not having to worry about certain aspects of life. It's funny because even though I missed a lot of things about home, I wouldn't give up this journey for anything.  Oh, back to the grades, this is what I got:

B - Beginning Sign Language
B - Christian Worldview & Culture
A - Composition 102
D - Hebrew
C - Health & Fitness
A - Spirit Empowered Living
P - Whole Person Assessment Lab/Lecture

Beginning Sign Language: I missed getting an A in this class by .0046!  That probably hurt the most, but I deserved the B based on my test scores.

Christian Worldview & Culture: This was a hard B, I mean really hard.  The books we read and papers we wrote were intense.  But my Christian perspective hasn't changed but is more defined.  Like I have a worldview and know what it is.

Composition: I have failed other composition classes four times throughout my collegiate tenure, but not this time!!  I worked EXTRA hard in this class, not giving up on any paper.  I even got an A on my research RESEARCH PAPER (I had to raise my hands to Jesus on that one).

Hebrew: This was the class that I struggled with the most.  I put a lot of study and tutor time in with this class, but it was like my brain just couldn't grasp it.  I've actually decided to take the class over again, but since it's only offered in the fall, I have to wait until Fall 2013.  The great thing is that I will continue going to tutoring until that time, so I should do a lot better when I take it again.

Health & Fitness: what can I say, the tests were really hard?

Spirit Empowered Living: This was an interesting class to take.  The content was invaluable as biblical concepts were cleared up for me.  It's like, I now have a resolve in areas that I was still questioning.

Whole Person Assessment: This is not a graded class, but because I am on scholarship, it is a class that I  have to pass and do well on the three papers that we have to submit (which I did).

My GPA was 2.82 (would have been 3.12 with that A in Sign Language).  Not fantastic, but not horrible either.  Nonetheless, I'm proud of what I've done this far.  My Spring Semester has been solidified as of today and it is intense, but I know that I can do it and do it well.

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