Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 264: Great Day

My blogging patter has been inconsistent over the past few months, but I have so much that I want/need to say.

Today, Thursday, March 17th has been fantastic.  I think that it will be memorial for a couple of reasons:
1.  I had to go to the post office to apply for a US Passport and something amazing happened.  A lady, who was up in age, dropped her keys.  In instinctively reached down to pick them up, but she got to them first.  I proceeded on with whatever I was thinking about until I finished doing what I had to do.  When I left the Post Office she met me outside and told me that she appreciated my kindness (I was sort of shocked because I didn’t think that I did anything spectacular for her).  She said to keep doing what I do and God honors me because of it.  She doesn’t know it, but it is just what I needed to hear because I was questioning how I serve and how I give to others.  Do I go overboard, am I excessive and is it even appreciated.  So, needless to say, I’ll keep being me!

2.  I went through all of my clothes a few weeks ago and packed a bag of things that are too big for me now.  But, that same bag of clothes is sitting in my room next to my dresser.  There are actually more clothes that I need to add to the bag, or start a new bag, but I haven’t because I’ve been too afraid to let it go.  What if I need them again?  What if my weight loss is a fluke and I gain even more than I’ve lost?  Donating the clothes, or removing them from my house, makes my weight loss more permanent and that is SCARY.  In one of my conversations with God I said that I would get rid of the clothes when I could afford new ones.  How about today my prayer was answered, but not the way that I thought it was going to be.  Yeah, I still can’t afford new clothes, but a friend (who is loosing weight herself) passed clothes onto me that she can’t fit anymore.  I have been blessed beyond blessed today with new clothes to wear that will fit my slimmer body.  I heard that Providence Hospital has a program where they pass plus sized clothes down to individuals who need them at no cost.  Tomorrows objective – call Providence Hospital to finally donated the clothes that no longer fit me.

3.  Yesterday I did it.  I signed up for the 10k (6.2 miles) and the Half Marathon (13.1 miles).  After I did it, I experienced mixed emotions.  I was excited, scared, determined, defeated and rejuvenated all at the same time.  It’s weird though.  I said that I was going to do this this year and despite all of the odds, I’m still working towards the goal.  Granted, I have not worked nearly as hard as I was in the beginning of this journey; but, my dad constantly reminds me that it’s not how you start, but how you finish.  When I’m having a sad sack moment, he will say, “finish strong Rochelle, finish strong”.  

The 10k is taking place on Sunday, June 5, 2011 in Annapolis, MD.  It is the Zooma race that leads participants through historic Annapolis.  The Half Marathon is on Saturday, October 15, 2011 in Baltimore, MD sponsored by Under Armour.  Intense 2adays shall commence Sunday, March 20, 2011.  No excuses are acceptable as excuses do not lead you to the finish line.

4.  I am going on a missionary trip!  I turned in all of my paperwork and will be going to Ghana, West Africa this coming July 20, 2011 through August 5, 2011.  I am extremely excited.  Here’s the kicker….I have to raise $3,500 by May 1st.  That is not a little bit of money to fundraise.  I’ll do it though, because I don’t want to waste the money that I’ve already put down to go.

If you’ve taken the time to read everything highlighted above, do you see why today has been an unforgettable one?  You are officially apart of Rochelle Land.  How can we partner together to accomplish the above tasks?

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