Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 268: Discipline

“What’s required from a person in order to be come disciplined in an area of their life?”  That’s a question that I have been asking myself for the past couple of days as I think about working out to be prepared for these races.  What’s required from me in order to accomplish the goals that I have clearly layout.

Hummmm, I think creating a plan and walking out the established plan is required.  Not allowing my actions to be dictated based on how I may physically feel, but doing what’s required regardless of feelings.  Talking about the goal and allowing people to help me (which I don’t do the best at).  Oh yeah, discipline requires ACCOUNTABILITY!  Accountability means you check in with someone and they check in with you.  It means you’re honest and someone is honest with you as you get closer to the overall goal.  I think being consistent with training and preparing for these races will mean getting up for boot camp in the morning even when I’m still sleepy.  It means working out after work even when it’s been a long day and all I want to do is watch TV and sleep.  

I went to boot camp this morning and it was HARD.  I wanted to go to Track Date afterwards, but it started thundering and lightening really badly, so I came home, ate breakfast and took an am nap.  I have a plan, but I’m taking everyday one day at a time.  Oh yeah, I have a new rule, no eating after 8pm.  That is like stupid early for me, but I figured that if I plan out my meals, I can do it.  It should help me drop weight too.

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