Saturday, June 9, 2012

Change is on the Horizon

There is so much happening in Rochelle Land that I feel like I can barely contain the excitement and information.  Some of it I can't share just yet, but what I can say is....

1.  I made a decision that although I enjoy running, there are physical things happening with my body right now that I just can't ignore and have chosen to engage in other sporting activities for right now.  This won't last always and I have NOT given up on running a full marathon, it's just not my A number 1 priority right now.

2.  Within the next week I will have LIFE CHANGING news.  Nothing bad, actually it's really good.  I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.

3.  I changed up the look to my blog, what do you think about it?

4.  This summer is going to be filled with adventure, excitement and new experiences.  Stay tuned for updates.

I know, I know.....the above is not a lot of info/update, but trust me, more is coming and it will blow your socks away.  Love ya and thanks for going on this journey with me.

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