Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 77: 5 miles & 40lbs down!

This morning I was supposed to go to a bootcamp open house in Rockville, MD, but instead of my alarm clock being set for 6:15am, it was set for 6:15PM!  When I woke up at 8:30am I was really blown since I was supposed to be there by 7:45am.  No worries though because I was able to sleep a little longer (which was pretty good).

At the gym today, guess what my distance was?  Since you probably won't be able to guess I'll tell you.  Between walking and jogging I did a total of 5 miles.  Really I was done at 3 miles, but I had to push myself to go a little further than normal.  I still did more walking than actual jogging because my hamstring started hurting, but it was still really good.  I was so excited about my distance that the thought of riding the bike overwhelmed me and I just had to do it.  So I got on and started peddling, but soon my excitement turned to pain.  I think the bike is not my friend just yet.  Slimming down a little more is in order so that I don't hurt my womenhood.  I ended up staying on for 10 minutes and rode for 2.5 miles.  After the workout was done I weighed myself and it's official, I'm totally 40lbs. down.

By the way, just as a friendly reminder.........I'm turning into an ATHLETE!!!

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