Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 78: Going Hard but very sore

This morning I actually made it to Track Date, but it was very hard to jog.  I ended up walking a straight and jogging a curve.  I did do a total of 3.26 miles, but it was hard.  So after I finished I had to hurry to FedEx Kinko's to get something cut, then home to change and get ready for work since it was Pastor's Staff Meeting and our department was responsible for it this month.

I don't know what it was, but by the time I got to work, my hips started hurting so bad that I felt like I couldn't walk anymore.  Sometimes you gotta push past your feelings because I had responsibilities at work that needed to be taken care of.  After work I met a friend at hhgreg and saw someone that totally BLEW my life and night.  So at first I was just going to go home and go to bed, but after sitting in the car for an hour or so, I said to myself, "NOPE, THIS IS NOT AN OPTION!"  I went to the gym and put it in and you know what......my hips feel so much better!

So now I sit here feeling pretty good that I didn't allow a negative experience to dictate my choice and my body feels way better now.

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