Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Day of School

You wouldn't believe was FANTASTIC!!  Like UBER FANTASTIC!

I washed my hair this morning because I wanted to look extra nice for my first day of school.  I still haven't been grocery shopping yet in my new house, so I couldn't pack my lunch.  But I grabbed my prepared water bottle, strawberry pop tart and pre-packed book bag.  My first class started at 7:50am, so I was out the door at 7:25am which gave me plenty of time to get to campus, park and walk to class.  I had a total of five classes today - Health & Fitness Lecture, Beginning Sign Language, Spirit Empowered Living, Hebrew I and finally Reading/Writing Composition 102.

Ok, here I go again, I'm letting you into Rochelle Land.  There were a number of fears that I had that prevented me from taking on-campus classes, wanna know what they are?

1.  I will be too big to fit in the seats - FALSE

2.  I will monopolise the conversation and everyone will hate me - FALSE

3.  My ADD will be in full effect & I won't hear one word that the professor says - DOUBLE FALSE

4.  I will be the oldest in my class and looked like the grandma - True/FALSE (I was the oldest in everyone of my classes, but how about my classmates thought that I was in my early 20's!)

So ya see, every fear that prevented me from going to school was false (except for age) and in hindsight, kinda silly.  Wanna know the biggest challenge now???  BOOKS...dun...dun...dunnnn... (did you hear the music follow the word books?)!!  Books are expensive.  Even with all of my creative web searching, my books for the semester are totally over $300!  Does anyone have any creative solutions to get around this since I only have a budget of $130 for books?

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