Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Need more money!

Yesterday Pastor Jenkins challenged everyone at the 12noon service to rise up early to seek the Lord for one solid week and watch what He does in your life.  I decided to accepted the challenge.  I set my alarm clock for 6:15am (that is totally rising early for me) and wondered if I would hear the alarm.

I wake up and am ready for quiet time only to discover......it's 3:15am!!!  Is this even healthy to be up this early in the morning?  I decided to stay up and I'm glad that I did.  It helped me be prepared for the disappointment of the day - still no additional financial aid funds.  I received a notice that my bill has to be paid by Thursday in order for me to attend classes.  I felt a little sad because I don't know how it's going to work out, but confident because I know that God will work something out.  For a split second I asked myself, "Did you make the right decision?" but it was literally a second because obeying God is always right, ALWAYS!  When Abraham was walking up the mountain knowing that he was about to slay his son, I'm sure he asked..."Are you sure?" but it was literally a split second question because he trusted God more than himself.

Tomorrow I have an appoint with the financial aid office.  Stay tuned for how the Lord will work this out...I pretty excited!

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