Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 8: I JOGGED!

You won't believe it (or maybe you will)..........I JOGGED TODAY!!! I started walking around the track and then at different intervals I would jog. All of the jogging intervals totaled .5 miles (that is a half mile). Who would have thunk it, I jogged a half mile. Yeah it maybe laughable to some, but I did it. Actually between walking and jogging, I did a total of 3.70 miles. That is more than a 5k! I'm very tired, but I know that I can do it because the Holy Spirit empowers me to do stuff that I can't do.

I am so amped up, I really am. I am a 300+ lbs. woman who has the ability to do something that seems unthinkable to most.


  1. i am SOOOOO proud of you Shelly-Shell! See you at the track at 6 am tomorrow morning! Love ya!
