Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 9: Track Date

I had my 6am date this morning at the track. I call it a date because although the track is not a person, it is a place that was designed and developed for people grow and mature and develop physically, emotionally and relationally. Honestly it was struggle to a degree because my body is a little tired and I knew that I’d have to push past what I did yesterday and do more today and pushing past how I feel in a physical manner is so new to me. I believe that you have to build onto what you’ve already done in order to grow (just my philosophy though). I got there before my friend intentionally but I’m not sure what my reasoning behind that was. I think that I just wanted to prove to myself that I'm really serious about this thing or if I was just doing lip service. I walked for a while before we incorporated jogging. Actually I jogged a full mile today but I wasn’t that excited about it. It was a mild stone and major accomplishment in this journey, but I didn’t feel “proud”. Now for clarity, I didn’t jog a full mile non-stop, it was broken up into different segments like yesterday. But, the segments were more frequent and longer with a minimum of 1/8th of a mile each time. So my total distance today was like 4.2miles (I think, I have to look at my meter again).

While my friend kept running, I sat on the bench so that I could people watched for a little while which lead to a serious thinking session. As I watched people go around the track, my eyes focused on one lady and man who were really chatting it up. I thought, “WOW, they haven’t even broken a sweat. How do you come to the track and not break a sweat?” I looked at someone else and said, “How come she has on flip flops and jeans? She can’t be that productive dressed like that.” It hit me (as I got a whiff of my body funk) that people decide to come to the track (or work out for that matter) for different reasons. Some do it for social interaction, some for physical health, some for mental stability…..whatever the reason, everyone has a reason and I was being judgmental of which I had to repent for. Then my heart changed and started praying for people. I guess when your eyes are open you can see better the needs of the people around you. One lady had stress/frustration written all over her face. Another guy was determined to walk, regardless of how far ahead the people who came with him got. IDK, it was just an eye opener in a different environment.

So I wanted to be adventurous by taking a class called Body Flow after my track date. It’s supposed to help you by providing stretching/strengthening exercises. The instructor was very nice and personable, but that class was not what I thought that it was going to be. It was not EASY! I thought that the class would be easy. My legs were shaking and sweat was pouring off of my face like a piece of meat on a grill. I mean sweat was pouring off of me. Maybe it’s because I didn’t have my headband on, of which I have to work out with because I sweat so much. I don’t know if I am going to take that class again (although I feel like I have to so that the class does not defeat me). I realize that I did something wrong because my neck and knee hurt now and it’s not that good sort of hurt that you feel after a good workout.

Tomorrow is going to be a major workout session because I have my 6am date and then I am doing Body Pump and (maybe) Body Attack. We shall see about both of those classes, it may be just one.

1 comment:

  1. If you are in pain tomorrow maybe we should just walk instead of walk/jog and maybe you shouldn't do pump and attack tomorrow night. OR maybe you should not do anythign in the morning and do pump and attack at night. I think one thing should be sufficient. Let's talk about it later....another idea is to take the entire day off....and just rest. I gave you three good options. you should choose one...and doing both (morning and night) is not an option UNLESS you are feeling 100% better...

    You did great today! Keep up the good work! I am super duper proud of you!
