Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 25: Relationships

I did a "Two A Day" today!! I worked out this morning with a Track Date and then I went to the gym this evening and walked (pretty swiftly might I add) on the treadmill while I watched Avatar (totally a good movie that I want to watch next time sitting on someone's couch with my feet up)! I am so tired though. Not that I'm not trying to "speak life" or anything, but I am feeling weak inside. The funny thing about that statement is even though my body feels weak and tired, I continue to move and do stuff to grow stronger. Hey, I'm actually stronger both physically and mentally. I am seven miles shy of accomplishing the 17 mile goal for this week. Seriously, who would have thought that I would be up to walking 17miles in a week? You couldn't have told me that I would be doing this 3 months ago and I believe you. I have Friday and Saturday to get 7 miles in...I'm pretty sure that I'll get there.

The Track Date was really good because we just talked and I shared (like really shared)! It was sort of like a heart to heart moment that's healthy for the soul kind of thing. I enjoyed it because I don't do that often. Then the gym was good because I'm meeting new people since I'm going with more regularity. Now don't get me wrong, I meet new people all of the time because I'm a natural talker, but I'm engaging with people more. It's actually another level of accountability because they encourage you to come and work out or press through the tiredness/fatigue - IT'S GREAT!!

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