Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 55: Highs and Lows

Saturday's are always tough days because I do Body Attack, Cardio and then Body Pump all within a 3 hour time frame.  I was late, so I only got in a half hour at Attack.  When the class ended, we did crunches and I also got in a little over a mile on the treadmill.  Then I was only able to stay for a half hour at Pump because I had to get my Goddaughter to Football Practice.  I went to the grocery store because I knew that I needed some food in the house, but I didn't get nearly enough to get through the next two weeks so I'll have to go back tomorrow (but first I gotta plan out my meals).

I'm disappointed sort of because I didn't get to 30 miles this week of walking/jogging, but I'm not disappointed at the same time because I did get to 27 miles which is the most that I've done in a week so far. Tomorrow is the first Sunday this month that I won't be able to do a "2aDay" since I have to be at work by 7am.  Actually it will be like this for the rest of August.  That just means that I will not get to take Friday off and I will have to work really hard every other day.  We have hills twice this week, so that should make up for not being able to work out tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow evening, however, I plan on getting in at least 4 miles (which is the bear minimum going forward when I walk, jog, run, etc.).

Man, the next two weeks is going to be intense and super hard.  But if it wasn't hard, then the reward wouldn't be as valued.  Lord would you give me the grace to push through being tired or sore or even frustrated/discouraged please?

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