Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 67/68/69: Week 11

I have been working more, going out more and getting home later (too late to blog).  So I don't have any entries for the last few days and that's probably a good thing since my eating has been AWFUL with a capitol "A" and my exercising has been nothing to write home about either.  But that's ok because although today is a new day, so is tomorrow.  I feel bad, but not bad enough to beat myself up over my poor choices.

Week 11 huh?  I have to stop, do inventory and ask myself, "So Shelly, how do you feel about everything?"  My response even has me thrown for an unexpected loop because I'd have to say,  "I feel great!  Yeah some days are hard and frustrating, I'm still committed and excited that I haven't quit".

As a matter of fact, after much thought and consideration I've decided that I'm not coming back to this place ever again and I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it either!  I'm at a point where new clothes are just about necessary, but I've been afraid of purchasing new clothes with the thought or idea that this change may not last.  But, no more!  So, as my clothes become too big to still be somewhat presentable, I'm going to pack them up and give them away!  Ohhhh, such a big step........but totally a necessary step.

The beginning of September is during week 11.  September is the start of a new eating plan: no sweets, minimum carbs, very little salt and 1.5 gallons of water daily.  I realize that my body responds better without a lot of sugar, carbs and salt and I feel better when I get the water in.  I'm doing this because at the end of the month I need to be able to run a 13 minute mile and be able to jog 4 miles in under an hour.  Also, by the end of the month I'd like to be able to do 45 hills within 45 minutes.  Part of me things that I am setting myself up, but without goals you automatically fail right???  Here is an even bolder statement - by the end of the month I WILL weigh under 300lbs (actually I don't know how bold that is considering I'm not that far off from that).  Hey, I gotta go hard cause I'm not ready to do home.

You don't have to believe the above, just WATCH and SEE!

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